by: pastor paul rika, international director of HOREMOW
BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 2022 TEXT: HEBREWS 6:10-15 (10) For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. (11) And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: (12) That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. (13) For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself, (14) Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. (15) And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise. KEY VERSE: MARK 10:27 And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible. 8/30/2022
BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2022 TEXT: REVELATION 3:18-22 (18) I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. (19) As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. (20) Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. (21) To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. (22) He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. KEY VERSE: REVELATION 3:22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. 8/29/2022
BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 2022 TEXT: JOHN 14:12-14 (12) Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. (13) And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. (14) If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. KEY VERSE: ISAIAH 65:24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. 8/28/2022
BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) SUNDAY, AUGUST 28, 2022 TEXT: ACTS 26:15-16 (15) And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. (16) But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee; KEY VERSE: JOHN 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. EVERY WORD OF GOD FOR DAILY LIVING BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 2022 TEXT: 2 KINGS 2:9-12 (9) And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me. (10) And he said, Thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so. (11) And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. (12) And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his own clothes, and rent them in two pieces. KEY VERSE: GENESIS 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. 8/26/2022
THE SECRET OF SUCCESS IN MINISTRYEVERY WORD OF GOD FOR DAILY LIVING BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 2022 TEXT: JOSHUA 1:1-9 (1) Now after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass, that the Lord spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, (2) Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. (3) Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. (4) From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast. (5) There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. (6) Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them. (7) Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper withersoever thou goest. (8) This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. (9) Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. KEY VERSE: ROMANS 12:11 Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; EVERY WORD OF GOD FOR DAILY LIVING BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 2022 TEXT: EPHESIANS 6:10-18 (10) Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. (11) Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. (12) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (13) Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. (14) Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; (15) And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; (16) Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. (17) And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: (18) Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; KEY VERSE: 1 THESSALONIANS 5:17 Pray without ceasing. EVERY WORD OF GOD FOR DAILY LIVING BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 TEXT: 2 TIMOTHY 2:16-19 (16) But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. (17) And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; (18) Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some. (19) Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. KEY VERSE 2 TIMOTHY 2:17 And their word will eat as doth canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; A pastor’s wife who claimed to be a Believer remained in witchcraft for thirty years and troubled the husband's ministry. The husband, who by God's grace was a leader in HOREMOW, accepted the truth as preached in the Movement and instituted the same undiluted truth in his church. Despite all efforts this man made to preach the truth and help souls make Heaven, the wife remained a witch, frustrating the efforts of the husband for years. Instead of being a good helper, she made herself a cankerworm to the ministry of the husband. 8/23/2022
TAKE TIME TO NOURISH YOUR SOULEVERY WORD OF GOD FOR DAILY LIVING BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2022 TEXT: PSALM 119:9-11 (9) Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word. (10) With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments. (11) Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. KEY VERSE: SONG OF SOLOMON 2:15 Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes. 8/22/2022
THE HOLY COMMUNIONEVERY WORD OF GOD FOR DAILY LIVING BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2022 TEXT: LUKE 22:19-20 (19) And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. (20)Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you. KEY VERSE: 1 CORINTHIANS 11:26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come. The Holy Communion or Lord’s Supper is a rite Jesus instituted for His followers to observe in remembrance of His sacrificial death until He returns to rapture the Church. The fact that it was carried out in the evening does not mean it must only be taken in the evening. What is significant is the memory it gives to the Church concerning the sacrificial death of Jesus anytime it is taken. 8/21/2022
FOLLOW THE EXEMPLARY LIFESTYLE OF RUTHEVERY WORD OF GOD FOR DAILY LIVING BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2022 TEXT: RUTH 1:15-18 (15) And she said, Behold, thy sister in law is gone back unto her people, and unto her gods: return thou after thy sister in law. (16) And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: (17) Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me. (18) When she saw that she was stedfastly minded to go with her, then she left speaking unto her. KEY VERSE: PSALM 32:1 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Ruth, a Moabite was married to an Israelite. When he died, she showed uncommon loyalty to her mother in-law and deep devotion to the God of Israel. In the end, she found a new husband among her former husband’s relatives and through this marriage became the great-grandmother of David, Israel’s greatest king. 8/20/2022
BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 2022 TEXT: PROVERBS 4:7-10 (7) Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. (8) Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her. (9) She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee. (10) Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of thy life shall be many. KEY VERSE: JOSHUA 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. 8/19/2022
BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 2022 TEXT: ISAIAH 49:7-13 (7) Thus saith the Lord, the Redeemer of Israel, and his Holy One, to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhorreth, to a servant of rulers, Kings shall see and arise, princes also shall worship, because of the Lord that is faithful, and the Holy One of Israel, and he shall choose thee. (8) Thus saith the Lord, In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee: and I will preserve thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages; (9) That thou mayest say to the prisoners, Go forth; to them that are in darkness, Shew yourselves. They shall feed in the ways, and their pastures shall be in all high places. (10) They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water shall he guide them. (11) And I will make all my mountains a way, and my highways shall be exalted. (12) Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim. (13) Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the Lord hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted. KEY VERSE: HEBREWS 10:23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) EVERY WORD OF GOD FOR DAILY LIVING
BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 TEXT: MALACHI 2:4-9 (4) And ye shall know that I have sent this commandment unto you, that my covenant might be with Levi, saith the Lord of hosts. (5) My covenant was with him of life and peace; and I gave them to him for the fear wherewith he feared me, and was afraid before my name. (6) The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and equity, and did turn many away from iniquity. (7) For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts. (8) But ye are departed out of the way; ye have caused many to stumble at the law; ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi, saith the Lord of hosts. (9) Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as ye have not kept my ways, but have been partial in the law. KEY VERSE: ROMANS 6:21 What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death. EVERY WORD OF GOD FOR DAILY LIVING
BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2022 TEXT: EXODUS 33:4-6 (4) And when the people heard these evil tidings, they mourned: and no man did put on him his ornaments. (5) For the Lord had said unto Moses, Say unto the children of Israel, Ye are a stiffnecked people: I will come up into the midst of thee in a moment, and consume thee: therefore now put off thy ornaments from thee, that I may know what to do unto thee. (6) And the children of Israel stripped themselves of their ornaments by the mount Horeb. KEY VERSE ISAIAH 61:10 I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments,and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels. 8/16/2022
BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2022 TEXT: REVELATION 20:12–15 (12) And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. (13) And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. (14) And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. (15) And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. KEY VERSE: EXODUS 32:33 And the LORD Said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book. 8/15/2022
BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 2022 TEXT: MATTHEW 28:18-20 (18) And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. (19) Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: (20) Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. KEY VERSE: MARK 16:20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen. EVERY WORD OF GOD FOR DAILY LIVING
BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 2022 TEXT: REVELATION 3:1-6 (1) And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. (2) Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God. (3) Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. (4) Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy. (5) He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. (6) He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. KEY VERSE: REVELATION 3:6 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. 8/13/2022
BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2022 TEXT: EZEKIEL 18:3-9 (3) As I live, saith the Lord God, ye shall not have occasion any more to use this proverb in Israel. (4) Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die. (5) But if a man be just, and do that which is lawful and right, (6) And hath not eaten upon the mountains, neither hath lifted up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, neither hath defiled his neighbour's wife, neither hath come near to a menstruous woman, (7) And hath not oppressed any, but hath restored to the debtor his pledge, hath spoiled none by violence, hath given his bread to the hungry, and hath covered the naked with a garment; (8) He that hath not given forth upon usury, neither hath taken any increase, that hath withdrawn his hand from iniquity, hath executed true judgment between man and man, (9) Hath walked in my statutes, and hath kept my judgments, to deal truly; he is just, he shall surely live, saith the Lord God. KEY VERSE: ECCLESIASTES 3:15 That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past. EVERY WORD OF GOD FOR DAILY LIVING
BY: PASTOR PAUL RIKA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2022 TEXT: EXODUS 18:18–24 (18) Thou wilt surely wear away, both thou, and this people that is with thee: for this thing is too heavy for thee; thou art not able to perform it thyself alone. (19) Hearken now unto my voice, I will give thee counsel, and God shall be with thee: Be thou for the people to God-ward, that thou mayest bring the causes unto God: (20) And thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and shalt shew them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do. (21) Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: (22) And let them judge the people at all seasons: and it shall be, that every great matter they shall bring unto thee, but every small matter they shall judge: so shall it be easier for thyself, and they shall bear the burden with thee. (23) If thou shalt do this thing, and God command thee so, then thou shalt be able to endure, and all this people shall also go to their place in peace. (24) So Moses hearkened to the voice of his father in law, and did all that he had said. KEY VERSE: PROVERBS 15:22 Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established. |
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