- Revelation of Heaven and Hell
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- Escaping Hell Fire And Entering Heaven Made Simple By Pastor Paul Rika
Escaping Hell Fire And Entering Heaven Made Simple By Pastor Paul Rika
This book is out to prepare the church for the rapture and to reap a great harvest of souls in this end time. Do you want to unfailingly go with Christ in the rapture of the revelations of this book and have a proper vision of heaven and life that qualifies for it? In this book, you will look into hell and will do all to escape it. Spread this book to the ends of the world. Give it to every church, every minister, every saint, and sinner. Do yourself, mankind and the kingdom of God service of eternal reward by the proper use of this book.
How People See This Revelation Message:
- It is a summary of the Bible and authenticates its message in our time
- It is a companion in a Christian's life and ministry
- It saves the sinner and restores the backslider by its irresistible convicting power
- It gives the right focus to the man, the believer, and Christ's minister
- It is God's call on the church to return to Bible truths and sound doctrine for the salvation and eternal life of her members
- It is a message for the revival of holiness and Holiness Movement in this end time
- It is an end time message sent to warn the sinful world of the eternal consequence of sin and to prepare the church for the soon appearing Christ.
About The Author:
Pastor Paul Rika is the International Director and Founder of Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide with ministry headquarter in Abuja, Nigeria. Pastor Rika has been a preacher of Righteousness and Holiness for decades resides in Abuja, Nigeria.
Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW)
Is a non-denominational Ministry given to the propagation of Christ's Righteousness and Holiness in churches and nations of the world through Crusades, Revival meetings, Conferences, Production and the spreading of Holiness literature and materials.